Wednesday, February 29, 2012

Как вынести мозг парню.....

Как вынести мозг парню.....

Как вынести мозг парню.

как-вынести-мозг-парнюИтак, я незнаю какова причина, но вы решительно настроены узнать как вынести мозг парню. Прежде хочу предостеречь, хоть на стороне вас хитрость и способность мозга к изощренным планам, а кроме того различные способы манипулирования парнем, но на стороне парня как правило сила. Прежде чем реализовать план по выносу мозга, учитесь быстро бегать и надежно прятаться.
В принципе большинству представительниц прекрасного пола и не надо учится выносить мозг, это у них в крови что ли, похоже эта способность на генном уровне передается, да еще и с возрастом приобретает большую силу. Такие женщины либо не уживаются ни с кем, либо имея недюженную хватку, на протяжении всей жизни партнера долго и методично выносят ему мозг. Вот такой вот садо-мазохистский союз получается.
Ну это всё лирика, не затягивая статью, переедем от слов к делу.
Как вынести мозг парню. Практика.
Во первых что так любит, и при этом порой ненавидит парень, это конечно же голос девушки. Голос девушки согревает сердце,  окрыляет и ласкает душу. Но действие голоса можно направить в совершенно по другому руслу, в принципе можно просто говорить без умолку, это уже начнет давить на и без того расшатанный мозг парня, естественно, это все мелочи, как же, мы вынос мозга хотим совершить, поэтому это действие необходимо усилить.
Ну вот например, классика жанра, без умолку спрашивайте у парня «дорогой, ты меня любишь?», поверьте, пусть он вас хоть трижды любит, но такой тактике хватит и пары дней чтобы вывести парня из себя. А еще можно сразу поле бурной ночи попросить парня вынести мусор, сославшись на то что вам это не даст спокойно уснуть. Постоянно зудеть говоря что он тебе не уделяет внимания, а на каждый комплимент отвечать что он не искренний. Рассказывать с завидным постоянством о своих знакомых парнях, делая акцент на их достоинствах, то есть, типа какой Вася умный, сильный, успешный, и прибавлять, «вот нам бы так», парень не сможет такого вынести.
Как вынести мозг используя слабые стороны парня.
Знаете что является одной из наиболее слабых сторон парня? Да, да это она, соперница и разлучница, за частую с ней, а не с тобой он предпочитает проводить все свободное время – это его машина. Казалось бы, железяка как железяка, а неприятности с ней способны вынести мозг любому парню. Он только вымыл свою любимицу, которая еще не успела обсохнуть, самое время выносить мозг, просто открой окошко, после высыхания на нем образуется куча грязных пятен. Машина уже высохла? Самое время работать на добивание, выходи из машины оперевшись ладонью на крышу, а потом так же ладошкой закрой дверь, можешь быть уверена, пыльные следы от твоих рук останутся с ним до следующей мойки.
Мозг парня оказался крепким? Сейчас мы вынесем его тяжелой артиллерией. Берем немного любой крупы, и посыпаем ей капот и крышу автомобиля. Когда парень увидит кузов машины изрешеченный вороньими клювами, просто извнись, сказав что всего лишь хотела покормить бедных птичек, поверь, эти извинения не помешают тебе вынести мозг парня, скорее наоборот.
А еще покажи какая ты у него заботливая, погладь ему брюки, поставив тройную стрелку, купи абонимент в тренажерку  с надписью «Избавься от ожирения».
Будь беспощадной на пути к своей цели, ты думаешь у парней не бывает таких же злостных планов? Почитай ка как вынести мозг девушке, поймешь что парень может замышлять. Хотя, что реально значит вынос мозга, знает только тот, кто в виртономикуиграл хоть раз )))

Wednesday, February 22, 2012

Меркантильность женщин...или скупость мужчин

Абсолютное большинство мужиков в своих блогах, в комментариях на форумах, пишут, что женщинам нужны деньги, что они - меркантильны и расчетливы. Только вот что скажу я вам, мужчины, по опыту своему и своих подружек: эти же 80% на свидание не принесут девушке цветов, не сводят ее не то чтобы в ресторан, а хотя бы в полузадохлое кафе. Анечка, моя маникюрша, рассказывала, как один интернетовский знакомый пригласил ее на свидание. Анечка была с работы - в юбке, на каблуках, в капроновых колготках, стильной курточке. Была осень. вы думаете, он предложил ей хоть посидеть в кафе? Нет! Он 4 часа водил ее по холоду на шпильках по парку с убитым асфальтом. К концу свидания она была промерзшая насквозь, как сосулька. Четыре часа распускал перед ней хвост - какой он на самом деле классный и как ему нужны высокие отношения! О чем вы, мужики, говорите, если многие из вас желание девушки выпить чашку кофе за 100 рублей уже считают меркантильностью? И абсолютное большинство мужчин, приходя к девушке в гости, будут, в лучшем случае, с 1 розой или дешевой шоколадкой. Мало кто подумает о том, что она себе голову сломала над тем, что приготовить на ужин. А ну-ка расскажите мне, расскажите, кто из вас хочет видеть рядом с собой неухоженную девку с отросшими корнями, шелушащейся кожей, облезлыми ногтями, в дешевых китайских джинсах, резиновых шлепках и хэбэшных трусах?! Так нет же, вы желаете хорошеньких, смазливеньких, красиво одетых феечек. При том, что абсолютное большинство из вас выглядят довольно стремно и неухоженно! Вы считаете, что женщины ничего не вкладывают. А вы хоть понимаете, сколько стоит женщине быть красивой?! Задумывались о том, сколько стоит нормальное нижнее белье? Я даже не заикаюсь о шикарном, просто красивое! Вы когда-нибудь смотрели цены на косметику? Сколько стоит приличная тушь, пудра, флакон духов? Тени? Помада? Украшения? Вы орете о том, что женщины меркантильны, но ни одному не пришло в голову, что они уже вложили в свою красоту столько, что вам и не снилось! Поинтересуйтесь, сколько стоит в салоне покрасить волосы? Вы обалдеете. А маникюр? Педикюр? Косметолог? Вы знаете, сколько стоит хороший крем, от которого кожа такая гладкая? А шампунь, от которого волосы блестят? И НЕ ГОВОРИТЕ, ЧТО ВАМ НЕ ВАЖНО, КАК ОНА ВЫГЛЯДИТ - ЭТО ЧУШЬ СОБАЧЬЯ! Так вот с чего вдруг она, вложившая в себя столько денег и сил, должна дарить себя какому-то неудачнику, не способному даже в кино ее отвести? А многие из вас способны прокормить семью? Чтобы она могла спокойно жить дома, вынашивая ВАШЕГО ребенка, и не помереть с голоду? Нет, это не меркантильность! Это нормальный инстинкт - оценивать мужчину по его возможностям. В конце концов, основная функция мужчины - добывать и уметь защитить, быть сильным. (от Иришка Толстая)

Tuesday, February 21, 2012

Famous Dancers of Past and Present. Patrick Swayze (1952-2009)

 Patrick Swayze (1952-2009)

Patrick Swayze was a well-known American dancer and actor. He starred as a dance instructor in the popular movie Dirty Dancing.

Early Life:

Patrick Swayze was born in 1952 in Houston. His father was a chemical plant engineer and his mother was a dancer and choreographer. In high school, Patrick was a talented football player as well as a gymnast, earning him an athletic scholarship to college. Patrick focused his talents on dancing at a young age. He attended several ballet schools, including the Joffrey Ballet. He was the principal dancer with the Eliot Feld company. He moved to new york to start his career, but an old football injury halted his plans. He then turned to acting.


Patrick got his first acting break in the Broadway production of Grease. He then moved to Hollywood and played several supporting roles in television sitcoms and made-for-television movies. Patrick gained fame in 1987 with his starring role with Jennifer Grey in the sleeper hit Dirty Dancing.Although the dancing role established Patrick as a Hollywood heartthrob, the dancing proved too much for his body and ended his dancing career. He continued to accept movie roles, some bad and some good. He struck gold again in 1990 when he starred opposite Demi Moore and Whoopi Goldberg in the hit movie Ghost.

Life Today:

Associated with the Catholic church, Patrick was known to have deep spiritual beliefs. He was also known to have been associated with Baptism, Buddhism, and Scientology. He battled alcoholism for a time, but was able to beat it. He married Lisa Niemi in 1975. The couple had no children.
Swayze was diagnosed with pancreatic cancer in early 2008. He lost his battle with the disease on September 14, 2009, at the age of 57.

Famous Dancers of Past and Present. Martha Graham (1894-1991)

Martha Graham (1894-1991)

Martha Graham was an American dancer and choreographer. She is known as the pioneer of modern dance. She dared to introduce new, modern dance moves to the world.

Early Life:

Martha Graham was born in Allegheny, Pennsylvania on May 11, 1894. Her father, George Graham, was a doctor of nervous disorders, known today as psychiatry. Her mother, Jane Beers, was a descendant of Myles Standish. Being a doctor's family, the Grahams had a high standard of living, with the children under the supervision of a live-in maid. The social status of the Graham family increased Martha's exposure to the arts, but being the oldest daughter of a strict Presbyterian doctor would be detrimental. As Martha matured, she was strongly discouraged from pursuing a career in the performing arts.

A Revelation:

When Martha was sixteen years old, she begged her father to take her to a dance performance in Los Angeles, which he did. Her father presented a bouquet of flowers to her outside of the theater, as told by Martha in her autobiography. The dance performance made such an impression on her that she decided to devote her life to dance, much to the dismay of her parents. She was told that a career in the arts was simply not suited for the daughter of a prominent Presbyterian physician. However, something Martha had seen on that stage had been a revelation to her; she was determined. 

Destiny Found :

Martha enrolled at Denishawn School, a dance school and performing troupe. At age 22, extremely late for an aspiring dancer, Martha had found her destiny. She was told, however, that she was far too old to begin dancing and that her body was not properly build for it. But Martha persevered, proving to be a quick learner. She worked very hard, paying much attention to detail, to train her body. 
Martha danced with Denishawn for seven years, then moved to New York City. She launched her own company in 1929. Nothing stood in the way of her mission: to "chart the graph of the heart" through movement. 

A New Language :

Through her choreography, Martha began to push the art of dance to new limits. Her early dances were not well-received by audiences, as they were confused by what they were seeing on stage. Her performances were powerful and modern, and were often based on strong, precise movements and pelvic contractions. Martha believed that by incorporating spastic movements and falls, she could express emotional and spiritual themes. Her choreography overflowed with beauty and emotion. Martha was establishing a new language of dance, one that would change everything that came after it. 

A True Pioneer:

Still dancing in the late 1960s, Martha often turned to alcohol to cope with her despair at her declining body. Her performances began to include more acting than dancing, relying on the movement of the dancers around her. Martha's love of dance was so strong that she refused to leave the stage, even though critics insisted she was past her prime. However, when the critics became too loud, she left the stage. Despite her age, she kept dancing throughout the 60s. In 1969, Martha finally announced her retirement from the stage. Although she couldn't perform, she continued to teach until her death in 1991, at age 96. 

The Martha Graham Dance Company:

Founded by Martha in 1926, the Martha Graham Dance Company is the oldest, most celebrated modern dance company in the world. It presents the classic Graham repertory and new choreography in New York and on tour, featuring many of today's most talented dance artists.

Sunday, February 19, 2012

Top 10 Michael Jackson Songs

Michael Jackson has hit the top of the pop singles chart with 13 different singles as a solo artist. These are the 10 biggest of those hits. He easily ranks as one of the most successful and innovative pop artists of all time. All 10 of these songs are essential to any comprehensive pop music collection.

1. "Billie Jean" - 1983

If any single song signaled that Michael Jackson's legacy as one of the top pop artists of all time would be secure, it was "Billie Jean." The song remains a pop milestone and masterpiece. It was written by Michael Jackson and produced by Quincy Jones. Inspired by a real life experience in which Jackson was accused of fathering a baby of one of his fans, the slight sense of paranoia, instantly memorable bass line, and Michale Jackson's trademark vocal yelps and hiccups combined to make "Billie Jean," the second single from Thriller, a keystone in Michael Jackson's career. It spent seven weeks at the top of the pop singles chart in 1983.

2. "Black Or White" - 1991

It had been four years since the album Bad generated five consecutive #1 singles and some in the music industry wondered if Michael Jackson would maintain his commercial clout when Dangerous was released in 1991. All of those questions were soon answered as the lead single "Black Or White" became the second biggest hit single of Michael Jackson's career staying at #1 or seven weeks. All stops were out on celebrity participation with Guns 'n Roses' Slash contributing a guitar solo and Home Alone's Macaulay Culkin starring in the accompanying video. The song itself is a powerful plea for racial unity.

3. "Say Say Say" with Paul McCartney - 1983

The first time Michael Jackson and Paul McCartney teamed up on "The Girl Is Mine" in 1982 it was a smash success hitting #2 on the pop singles chart. The pair went back to the studio with Beatles producer George Martin for "Say Say Say" and the result was an even bigger hit staying at #1 for six weeks.

4. "Rock With You" - 1979

Following the uptempo smash "Don' Stop 'Till You Get Enough" that introduced the album Off the Wall, Michael Jackson proved he was adept with a laidback, soulful tune as well. Rod Temperton wrote "Rock With You," and it was part of the last gasp of the disco era.

5. "Beat It!" - 1983

The album Thriller, was already a smash hit, and "Billie Jean" was an acknowledged classic. Then the third single from the album, "Beat It!," tore down any remaining walls for Michael Jackson as a recording artist. Featuring a blistering guitar solo from rocker Eddie Van Halen and accompanied by a video that tore down barriers for black recording artists at MTV, "Beat It!" was an instant hit.

6. "Man In the Mirror" - 1988

Accompanied by a gospel choir, "Man In the Mirror" is known as one of Michael Jackson's most uplifting hit songs. It was nominated for a Grammy Award for Record of the Year. Released in January of 1988, the song was the fourth consecutive #1 hit from the album Bad.

7. "Bad" - 1987

The title song from Michael Jackson's Bad was the second consecutive #1 hit from the album. It was originally conceived as a duet with Prince. "Bad" was accompanied by an 18 minute short film as its music video. It only took the song six weeks to hit the top of the charts.

8. "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" - 1979

Michael Jackson's group with his brothers, the Jackson 5, was one of the most successful family acts of all time. They first hit the pop charts in 1969 when Michael Jackson was 11. By 1979, Jackson was a young adult, and he had not released a major solo hit in seven years. He collaborated with Quincy Jones to blend disco and contemporary R&B with vocals featuring one of the most arresting falsetto voices in pop music. "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough" hit the top of the charts, and Michael Jackson's adult recording career had begun.

9. "You Are Not Alone" - 1995

Singer R. Kelly wrote this song in response to his own personal difficulties. When a demo reached Michael Jackson he decided to record "You Are Not Alone" as part of his greatest hits collection HIStory. Co-produced by Kelly, the song debuted at the top of the pop singles chart, the first hit to do so in the history of the Billboard Hot 100.

10. "The Way You Make Me Feel" - 1987

"The Way You Make Me Feel" was the third #1 hit from the album Bad. Reportedly, Michael Jackson recorded the song in response to a request from his mother Katherine to record a song with a shuffling rhythm. Michael Jackson performed the song live at the 1988 Grammy Awards.

Famous Dancers of Past and Present.Michael Jackson (1958-2009)

                                                    Michael Jackson (1958-2009)

Pop star of the 1980s, Michael Jackson wowed audiences with eye-popping dance moves, notably one called the "moonwalk." Michael displayed an amazing talent for rhythm and dance at a very young age. 


Michael Joseph Jackson was born on August 29, 1958 in the city of Gary, Indiana. He was the seventh of nine children born to Joseph Walter and Katherine Esther. His brothers were Jackie, Tito, Jermaine, Marlon and Randy, with sisters Rebbie, Janet and La-Toya. His father was a steel mill employee who enjoyed performing in an R&B band with his brother Luther. Jackson's mother, a devout Jehovah's Witness, raised him as a Jehovah's Witness as well.

The Jackson 5:

Michael began his musical career at the early age of 5. He and his brother Marlon joined the Jackson Brothers as backup musicians, joining brothers Jackie, Jermaine, Tito, Randy. At age 8, Michael and Jermaine began singing lead vocals, and the group changed their name to the Jackson 5.
The Jackson 5 recored several songs and eventually signed with Motown Records in 1968. Michael quickly emerged as the main attraction and lead singer of the group. The group scored several top 40 hits, including the top 5 disco single "Dancing Machine" and the top 20 hit "I Am Love." However, the Jackson 5 left Motown in 1975.


Budding Superstar:

With a solo contract with Epic Records, Michael began pursuing ventures on his own. In 1977, he starred in the film version of "Wizard of Oz", the hit musical "The Wiz." In 1979, Michael released his unusually successful album, "Off the Wall." The popular album included the hit singles "Rock With You" and "Don't Stop 'Til You Get Enough." It eventually sold 10 million copies.
Jackson's next album, Thriller, was also a huge success, shooting seven Top 10 singles up the charts. The videos that accompanied these songs helped establish Michael's dominance of MTV, and his reputation as an incredible dancer.

Going Solo:

In 1984, at the last concert of the Jackson's Victory Tour, Michael announced that he was leaving the group and going solo. In 1987, he released his third solo album, "Bad." Michael wrote an autobiography in 1988, revealing details of his childhood and his career. He was named "Artist Of The Decade" for the success of his previous albums.
In 1991, Michael signed with Sony Music and released his fourth album, "Dangerous." He also formed the "Heal the World Foundation" to aid in the lives of unfortunate children around the world.

Marriage and Fatherhood:

In 1994, Michael married Lisa Marie Presley, daughter of Elvis Presley. The marriage was short-lived, as the couple divorced in 1996. Michael then married his second wife, Debbie Rowe, who was a nurse that Michael met while treating his skin pigment disorder. Their first child, Prince Michael Joseph Jackson, Jr., was born in 1997. Their daughter, Paris Michael Katherine Jackson, was born in 1998. The couple divorced in 1999.
Jackson's third child, Prince Michael Jackson II, was born in 2002. The mother's identity was not released by Jackson.

The Moonwalk:

Many people contribute much of Michael's ultimate success to his amazing ability to dance. In 1983, Jackson performed live on a Motown television special, debuting his signature dance move, the moonwalk. When he did the moonwalk, it looked like he was doing something humans should not be able to do. The Motown special will always be remembered as a magic moment in the history of music entertainment, as the Moonwalk set Michael apart in the realm of superstardom.

Death of an Icon:

Michael's thrilling career ended tragically before the start of a much-anticipated comeback tour. The King of Pop and former Jackson 5 singer died on June 25, 2009, after suffering cardiac arrest.